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About Bob's Covid Doodles / 368Art
Robert Seaman, illustrator, teacher, legend. 🙂
He started doing a doodle a day when the pandemic started. Here is his story:
“About a year ago my entry into an assisted living facility coupled with the rising Covid 19 pandemic told me that long days of isolation were ahead for me. And for a lot of friends and family too. Somehow the idea of a ‘”Daily Doodle” popped into my head as a way of dispelling the monotony of isolation and unvarying routine and might give others , the Doodles”, a little something to look forward to as well. It’s not a big thing but it’s something. Feedback suggests this is so., and feedback is what keeps me going. The challenge is of course thinking up the doodles…well…so far so good. Ideas just kind of pop up and expand as I do them. I’m lucky. I Love to draw. Drawing is not a team sport. I’ve always had a bit of the loner streak in me and can be content in my own company hours, even days, on end. I am really glad that the list of people who get a little enjoyment out of these things seems to be getting larger and larger.” -Robert Seaman
Artist’s Statement:
Art with a small “a” appeals to me. I think all art, regardless of type or quality, is the result of evolving creative expression. The dedicated artist attempts always to improve, to hone, his or her skills. Always learning. Always practicing. Always expressing.
I think the force that animates us is fundamentally a creative energy that begs for, often demands, expression. Depending on an individual’s bent this can result in the need to make music, make pictures, write stories, dance, arrange flowers, carve birds, make pots,design hats, sew moccasins, and endlessly more. If the bent or talent is strong enough, a writer cannot not write a painter/drawer cannot not paint and draw. And so on. Always chasing imperfectly the perfect mental vision.
I draw and paint. I cannot stop myself. I tend to be “realistic” in execution. I often prefer to take recognizable subject matter, everyday things and the human forms that make up our tangible world, and render them in slightly unusual ways. A slight departure from convention. A slightly skewed way of looking at common things, odd views and combinations, stuff of the imagination. Sometimes a nod to fantasy and whimsy. Asking the viewer to wonder and guess. Sometimes smile.
My work is roughly divided between oil painting and graphite/pencil drawing often in combination with acrylic and/or watercolor.